Thursday 6 November 2014

Long Exposure Photography

Long exposure photography involves increasing the shutter speed to blur parts of the image. However, increasing the shutter speed means more light is let into the lens and so the picture often comes out too bright in daylight, to solve this problem ND filters are added to the lens to darken the picture. When using ND filters, charts like the one below can be used to calculate the shutter speed that corresponds to the filter's darkness to ensure the exposure is correct.

When shooting using long exposure photography, a strong tripod and camera remote are essential as any bumps to the camera will cause the image to be out of focus. Also, covering the viewfinder with something dark stops light-leakage which can cause purple or magenta marks on the final image. In addition, the composure of the shot is vital as this is what makes the final image interesting and often compliments the long exposure effect.
Typical types of long exposure photography include, landscape photography to blur moving clouds, seascape photography to blur and soften water, night photography to create star trails across the sky and people photography to create ghost like figures.

I think long exposure photography is amazing as it can create beautiful picture just by experimenting with light. Its astonishing that current cameras can create these images considering 100 years ago simple pinhole cameras were the typical family camera. My favourite long exposure photographs have to be star trails as they add a whole different element to night photography. Also, I love that photographs are physical representations of moments in time but long exposure photography can capture multiple moments in time making each seem just as important as the last.

Below are some of my favourites that I found online:

Beautiful dancing trail
Photographer: Sugianto

Biran Eliel long exposure photo
Photographer: Biran Eliel

A Henge Beneath
Photographers: Dylan Toh and Marianne Lim

The crazy traffic in Bangkok
Photographer: Mark Burban

In akcion
Photographer: Milan Malovrh


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